PPI Network at Queen’s

The Queen’s University Personal and Public Involvement in Research (PPI) Network was established in 2020 as part of the Engaged Research Action Plan. The aim of the network is to support the excellent PPI ongoing across the university by providing opportunities to build capacity in PPI, to network and share resources and best practice.

The PPI Network has members from across the three university Faculties of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Engineering and Physical Sciences and Medicine, Health and Life Sciences.

PPI Ignite Network

Queen’s University is a National Partner in the all-Ireland PPI Ignite Network.
The Network aims to provide a shared voice for PPI across Ireland, aiming to change the research culture, an important contributor to improving health outcomes for the public.

The Network is based at seven Universities in Ireland, with a National Programme Office at University of Galway. There are ten national partners and fifty three local partners.

The PPI Ignite Network is funded by the Health Research Board (HRB) and the Irish Research Council (IRC), with co-funding from each of the Lead Universities, and builds on the initial PPI Ignite Programme (2017-2021).

Find more information on the PPI Ignite Network here.